Integrate Play into your Vacation – A Recipe for Success!


Prior to my daughter being born my wife and I loved to travel.  From Tibet to Thailand and Baghdad to Bulgaria, we visited numerous countries both near and far from our home in the UK. 

However after my daughter was born we took a couple of more ‘gentle’ breaks in the UK.  With many horror stories floating around from friends and associates about nightmare foreign holidays with children, we were reluctant to venture abroad.

When we finally went to Israel we quickly discovered that planning days around exploring the local culture and play activities for our daughter, we were able to experience a much happier, more harmonious holiday.

Playgrounds were plentiful in Israel and we found as long as we checked to ensure there were adequate playground surfaces, such as wet pour or Notts Sport ChildsPlay, then we were comfortable letting our daughter enjoy herself.  It was also a great way for her to meet other youngsters and watching them play games without speaking was a joy.

So if you are reticent about taking your young child on holiday, simply make sure you allow a little time for them to do the things they like and I’m sure you’ll all enjoy your travels.

Updated: January 20, 2012 — 2:03 pm
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