Britain as one of the top international tourist destinations

UK was the metropolis of the world in 16-19th century. Even though its influence to world has weakened since colonial times, UK is still a great spot for International Tourists. With almost 30 million of international tourists coming to UK every year, UK is the 7th most visited country in the world. If not considering the bad weather UK seems to be interesting spot for tourists mostly from Europe, China and US. Most popular destination is London because of history, museums and parks, famous nightlife and James Bond movies. The most attractive tourism object in London as well as in the whole country is the Tower of London.  You can check out some of the sites and latest news on the BBC live TV site, just subscribe to a UK VPN connection for a month or so for access.

International tourism has grown from year 2010 to 2011 by 3,4% according to UNWTO. This could be explained as possible plato of the Economic crisis and immigration from less developed countries to UK in search of work or claiming social benefits.  However, there was 17,2 billion $ spent by international tourists in UK in year 2011.  However domestic tourism is considered to be the biggest component in tourist spending – more than £21 billion in year 2011.

Most tourists come from France, Germany and US, however it can be hard to distinguish even with very precise data as people come from all over the world, considering that London is one of the most multicultural cities in the world.  There is a lot of tourists coming from Ireland as well as Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Poland and Australia.

Such amazing British cars as Aston Martin DB5 has reached hilarious popularity because of appearances in movies such as GoldenEye, Goldfinger and others. If you always wanted your own DB5 to travel around Europe in James Bond style now you can get a model car at for a reasonable price.  Therefore we can truly say that James Bond movies have put a noticeable influence to UK’s tourism and place in tourism hot-spots.

Updated: March 14, 2018 — 2:56 pm
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