Venue Details
ExCeL London
Royal Victoria Dock
1 Western Gateway, Royal Docks
E16 1FR
For more information regarding the venue and for information on how to get there, please see ExCeL's website.
Venue & General Information
Please click here to view an A-Z of helpful venues and general information to help you with your planning.
Exhibitor Catering- Stand & Hospitality
ExCeL London Regulations state that all food and drink that is to be consumed on or given away from your stand must be purchased from the Official Exhibition caterers. They will be more than happy to help and advise you on a wide range of options available to suit your requirements and budget.
To view their range of food, snacks and beverages click here.
If you wish to provide your own catering, you must make either a Low-Risk Sampling or an External Catering Application. The details of each type of application and how to apply can be found on the new website, click here.
We understand that the safety of our guests, including exhibitors, visitors, and staff is of the utmost importance to us all. This is why this application is a vital process in ensuring all food and drink served at the event is safe to consume, compliant with UK law, and for you to receive a smooth delivery of services onsite.
There are strict deadline dates and charges will apply. There is a new application website, so click here to learn more, view the deadlines and costs and make an application.
The ExCeL catering team is here to guide you through the process every step of the way. At any point, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact [email protected] or call on +44 (0) 20 7069 4644.
Please also note that if you are serving alcohol, if not purchased through ExCeL London Hospitality, you will need to ensure that you have the necessary licences for this and a copy of this would need to be provided to ExCeL London Hospitality.
There will be onsite checks on stand catering activities, and we strongly advise exhibitors who are considering elements of food and drink offerings on stand, to follow the guidelines above.
Food Health & Hygiene
Exhibitors planning their own stand catering must also satisfy all health and safety, food safety and hygiene requirements. Further catering information and regulations are contained in the eGuide.
We reserve the right to stop any food or drink (including beverages) being offered this has not been preapproved by the ExCeL’s Catering Application Team and ExCeL London Hospitality and has not been provided by ExCeL London Hospitality.
Please contact ExCeL London Hospitality to discuss your requirements in full.
Exhibitor & Contractor Welfare
We all have a duty of care to help and support event industry professionals and here at RX, the safety and wellbeing of everyone onsite is one of our top priorities. Everyone has a role to play to look out and care for our colleagues and peers and we can all do this by taking the following steps:
- Don’t request or plan for stand designs that can not be safely and comfortably constructed and dismantled during the published time available.
- Provide sufficient amount of onsite crew to reduce long working hours
- Ensure adequate breaks for staff
- Everyone on site should have access to drinking water, catering facilities and rest rooms
- Be kind. Be considerate
Emergency Procedures
Evacuation or partial evacuation is on the advice of the Venue. Should an emergency occur that necessitates an evacuation, an announcement will be made over the PA system. Exit the building immediately via the nearest exit point and make your way on foot to your closest Assembly Point. Please refrain from using mobile phones at this time.
Whilst at the Assembly Point you will be kept informed of developments. When the emergency has ceased you will either be invited to return to the exhibition to resume normal business or advised to return the next day – in which case you will not be permitted to return to the exhibition to collect vehicles, bags, briefcases etc.
To download the venue Emergency Procedures that should be distributed to all staff working onsite, please click here.
A badging system is in place to ensure all personnel are registered and associated with the show.
Exhibitor badges / e-badges are essential for open days, unfortunately no badge no entry! During the build up and breakdown period all contractors must have a contractor wristband / e-badge.
Advice for Exhibitors
Whilst every reasonable precaution is taken to ensure the safety and security of personnel and equipment and the premises are patrolled day and night, we cannot accept any responsibility whatsoever for any injury, loss or damage or any consequential losses which may befall your personnel and their property.
Exhibitors are responsible for the security of their goods, please consider how you can secure your products and belongings whilst on-site. We recommend that valuables are not left unattended on your stand and are removed or locked away each evening. This is particularly relevant on the closing evening and throughout the breakdown period. During the day be aware of your space - report anything or anyone suspicious to security. If you are a victim of theft please report it immediately.
If you would like specialist security for your stand please contact the Official Security Contractor.