Countries like Egypt are of course, well versed in the hidden costs of terrorism primarily to their tourism industry. Often the huge economic impacts to countries like Tunisia of violent terrorist attacks are of course part of the reason that they happen. Most of the terrorist organisations thrive on the sort of economic and social chaos that is caused when a major source of income and employment is removed from an area. The vacuum that is created is often filled with religious fundamentalists and the promise of better lives.
However the effect is not just limited to the smaller, less developed countries – Europe is not immune to the economic effects of terrorism. There is a very high level of threat remaining across the continent especially in France and it’s likely that this will cost the majority of countries a high cost in loss tourism revenue.
The loss of life has now reached 130 and the economic damage will also spread far and wide. The tourism industry in Paris as already shown a huge impact with hotel revenues falling some 40% and it is estimated that similar falls will be suffered in other related sectors such as restaurants. If you log on and watch some of the French media or even check out the BBC in the UK, this shows how to set up a VPN for BBC iPlayer on an iPad – you will be able to sense the hightened terrorist threat in all aspects of normal life.
Tourism experts have suggested that the effect could rise across Europe to something like a billion Euros if the worse case scenario comes to pass. This would have to be reassessed if any other attacks took place particularly in the busy festive period.
Tourism is an important economic component of most European countries and France is no different. Although most developed economies less reliant than others, it still has a significant impact of gross domestic product of all the countries. Although many people now look at different areas for employment such as the internet and digital opportunities, tourism is still a major employer. Many of the world’s top travel bloggers have been posting pictures and reports on how quiet some of the major attractions in Europe have become. You can see a host of written and some video blogs using this video making software – Content Samurai.
there is one silver lining for the tourism sector in Europe however, although it’s somewhat sad. The fact is that political and security issues are not limited to Europe and most countries in the world are affected. In reality terrorist attacks are less likely in Europe simply because they are more difficult to organise and execute. Often softer targets like Egypt and Tunisia are taken.