Many people travel the world all the time. They go to different destinations by all sorts of transport. The top 5 destinations for people to travel to in 2011 were France, United States, China, Italy and Spain. These are very popular because of many things landmarks, food, accommodation, for example china has the great wall of china which attracts thousands of visitors a year to see how far across the ancient wall they can get. Italy and France have fantastic skiing. Not to mention the Eiffel tower and the lining tower of Pisa.
People travel for different reasons such as weather, family, a break, an experience. Booking a holiday can be a stress for some, as there is a lot to do from deciding where to go to how much it is going to cost. Greece has very cheap accommodation compared to Thailand. Yet they are both very popualr country to visit. The cost of small thing can build up and add to the overall cost to a holiday. for example eating out, this is why many people decide that the hotel restraint could be the best and cheapest option for them.
The choice of travailing abroad than staying in the UK for your holiday is narrowing, this may because of the economy or the fact that people are more aware of environment and how travailing is one of the major factors effecting it.
Some people own numerous houses in country’s miles away from there home land. These house are often available for anyone to rent, this has its benefits as it usually cheaper, you have more freedom, more space, possibility for pets, feel more comfortable/at home. Houses to rent can be very convenient as there is more flexibility for you renting homes abroad is a great way of seeing the world.
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